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  • Can I enroll my child in the summer Kaytana program even if my child attends a different preschool during the year?
    Yes. Our summer program is not exclusive to the children enrolled during the school year. Several of our campers are from other areas of the country here visiting grandparents for the summer, or are enrolled in other programs locally during the school year.
  • Do you offer a program for children who need an extra year before kindergarten?
    Yes. Several of our families with children in the Pilonim (Elephant/4-year-old) class have chosen to give their children more time, remaining in preschool for an additional year. In class, those students, and all our children, will be supported, encouraged, and inspired according to their developmental continuums and interests.
  • Do I have to be a member of Temple Emunah to enroll my child?
    No, the Billy Dalwin Preschool welcomes families with and without Temple affiliation, from many diverse styles of Jewish observance and other backgrounds.
  • My child comes from a non-traditional family. Will my child feel welcome at the Billy Dalwin Preschool?
    The Billy Dalwin Preschool embraces all family structures, including same-sex couples and single parents. We strive to be inclusive and thoughtful in our support of the diversity of all families that are part of our community.
  • Can I enroll my child if I am not Jewish or my spouse is not Jewish?
    Certainly, we welcome families of diverse backgrounds, religious traditions, and cultures. All are welcome.
  • Do I need to send a snack with my child?
    Each family will send a peanut and nut-free snack for their own child to enjoy midway through the morning. Parents should send an additional peanut & nut-free snack for children who are enrolled in our afternoon program.
  • Do children have to be out of diapers to attend the Preschool?
    No, there is no pressure to meet a deadline for a child to be out of diapers and using a toilet. Staff will assist each child with toileting needs and work with families to transition from diapers to more independent toileting with kindness and patience.
  • How much of the curricular activities are Jewish?
    The Billy Dalwin Preschool experience is a vibrant early childhood program where secular and Jewish learning are integrated and enhanced. Our teachers are veteran experts at all critical aspects of development-appropriate early childhood education, including gross motor, language, and social-emotional skills. Children have access to a wide range of play and learning opportunities ranging from drawing and painting, dress-up and imaginary play, block building, story-telling, playground time, nature exploration, and more! In addition, we incorporate Jewish topics, holidays, and values into the curriculum, placing them in the context of their own history along with wider world cultures and values. Each week on Fridays, we come together as a school to celebrate Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath) with a sing-a-long. The children also learn about other rituals and traditions connected to Jewish and secular holidays, such as building a sukkah, participating in our Thanksgiving parade, enjoying a puppet show and dressing up for Purim, and braiding challah. Introducing the children to the local community—both Jewish and more broadly—is an important part of our program, as well. We receive regular visits from our Rabbis and other community members. Billy Dalwin Preschool benefits from a close relationship with Temple Emunah, as well as Temple Isaiah, a network of Jewish day schools in the area, and other institutions in the Jewish community. Local firefighters, policemen, school bus drivers, and healthcare workers come to share their roles with our preschoolers, too.
  • How does the school staff manage children’s needs with food allergies or other special dietary restrictions?
    The Preschool teachers and administrative staff have many years of experience and training keeping kids safe who have food allergies and other specific dietary restrictions. Working on an individual basis with families, staff will create a plan that will keep all children safe and included in every aspect of classroom programming. Staff is well trained should any allergy-related emergency arise.
  • How did the Preschool get its name? Who was Billy Dalwin?
    The Billy Dalwin Preschool was named in loving memory of Billy Dalwin, the 12-year-old son of Bruce and Naomi Dalwin, who tragically died in 1988. Billy was a caring young man and particularly sensitive to those who needed extra or special assistance. He will always be remembered for his love of people and sense of justice at such a young age. The Billy Dalwin Memorial Fund for Pre-School Education was created in September 1990 by Billy’s grandmother, Mrs. Clarice Pressner, to support the development of an inclusive preschool at Temple Emunah. For many years, the Pressner family generously contributed to the Preschool’s programming and operating funds.

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©2024 by Billy Dalwin Preschool of Temple Emunah

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